Infosecurity México
October 22 and 23, 2024

Email list of attendees and phone scams

Some exhibitors have reported receiving advertising, offers and information from vendors not affiliated with RX regarding the sale of visitor lists. It is important to mention that the show name attendee email list is not available for purchase.

Any solicitation claiming to have the email list of attendees by name of the show is fraudulent, as RX does not sell or rent the email list of attendees at any time.

We ask you notify us through the means of contact available on our website, if you receive an email that claims to have the data of attendees or that acts as a third-party representative of the exhibitors’ directory, we will proceed legally in this regard.


We advise you not to interact with such offers and be careful when dealing with emails from accounts without a corporate domain such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc., as well as those of the following companies/domains:

International Fairs Directory (, Expo Guide,,,,,,,

We apologize for the inconvenience these spammers cause you, we also receive these emails.

Additionally, RX has received reports of individuals not affiliated with our company contacting our customers and prospective customers claiming to represent RX and requesting personal information and/or payment.

If you receive a call claiming to be from RX, please take steps to confirm the identity of the caller. Do not follow any instructions such as "Press 1 for a representative". If in doubt, hang up and contact us via the phone number on our show website. Do not call a number provided by that person or their caller ID number.

If you receive an email or text message claiming to be from RX and you doubt its legitimacy, please contact RX using the contact information on our website. Do not click on any links in the message or provide any information in response to the email.

To verify that the email is from RX right click on the sender's email address and check the sender's domain, emails sent from RX will always and only be from

Do not click any links in the message or provide any information in response to the email.

If in doubt, get in touch via the phone number on our show website.

Please keep in mind that we will never pressure you to make an immediate decision. Anyone who pressures you to pay immediately or gives sensitive personal information is not representing RX.